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Knowledge Questions About VARIOUS SCIENCES



“We brings to you all PPSC, FPSC, CSS Test Preparation for Test notes with answers which are new and latest most repeated various sciences mcqs in ppsc , basic various sciences terminology mcqs, basic various sciences  for ppsc, fpscc, basic various sciences  mcqs with answers.”

General Knowledge Various Science MCQs FPSC,  CSS,  PPSC


The following table enlists branches of science and their meaning


  1. Geology is the study of earth.
  2. Acoustics is the science of sound
  3. Cytology is the study of cell
  4. Entomology is the study of insects.
  5. Apiculture is science of bee keeping
  6. Ornithology is the science of birds
  7. Philology is the science of languages
  8. Taxidermy means stuffing dead animals
  9. Stenography means short hand writing
  10. Psoriasis is a learning disability
  11. Paleontology is study of fossils.
  12. Hematology is the study of blood.
  13. Oncology is the study of cancer
  14. Exobiology is the study of life in outer space
  15. Numismatics is the study of coins
  16. Eugenics is the study of altering humans by changing their genes or it refers to Improvement of human race
  17. Ethology is the study of animal behavior
  18. Anthropology is the study of origin and physical and cultural development of mankind
  19. Carpology is the study of fruits and seeds.
  20. Pathology deals with diseases
  21. Histology deals with organic tissues
  22. Pedology is the study of soil
  23. Cryogenics deals with the production, control and application of low temperatures
  24. Seismology is study of movements inside earth’s crust
  25. Ambidextrous is one who can write with both hands.
  26. Astrophysics is a branch of astronomy which deals with the physical and chemical nature of heavenly bodies.
  27. A etiology is the study of causes of disease.
  28. Cryptology is the study of codes.
  29. Dendrology is the study of trees.
  30. Ergonomics is the study of relationships between people and their working environment.
  31. Graphology is the study of handwriting.
  32. Psychological study of life in artificial environment is called biopsy.
  33. Phycology is the study of Algae.
  34. Mycology is the study of fungi.
  35. The art of compiling dictionary is called
  36. Cartography is the art of making maps and charts.
  37. Philately is hobby of stamp collecting.
  38. An onomastician studies what – Names
  39. Thanatology is the study of what Death
  40. The study of human population is called
  41. What does an otologist study-The ear and its diseases
  42. Noologists study what-The Mind
  43. Semiology is the study of what- Signals
  44. What is silviculture– Forestry
  45. What is Xylography– Wood Engraving
  46. Paleontology is the science of history of life.
  47. Meteorology is the study of study of weather.
  48. Cryptography is the study which deals with the secret writing.
  49. Hydroponics means cultivation of the plants without use of soil.
  50. Hyetology is the study of rainfall.
  51. Mycology is the study of fungus and fungi diseases.
  52. Petrology is the study of rocks in the earth’s crust.
  53. Amniocentesis is a method for determination of foetal sex.
  54. What is Steganography: Invisible ink writing
  55. Ichthyologists study what Fish
  56. What does a psephologist study: Voting – Elections
  57. What is studied in Aerology-Planet Mars
  58. Orthoepy is the study of what-Word pronunciation
  59. A philomath has a love of what- Learning
  60. What is a nidologist interested in- Birds nests
  61. What is philography– Autograph collecting
  62. Oxidation is the combination of oxygen or removal of hydrogen
  63. Horticulture is the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetable
  64. Pastevurization is the protection of food by heating
  65. Agronomy is the science of soil management
  66. The process by which plants take food is photosynthesis
  67. Reduction is the removal of oxygen atoms


Sr. No Term Meaning


1 Acarology Study of mites
2 Accidence Study of Grammar
3 Acology Study of medical remedies
4 Acoustics Science of sound
5 Aedoeology Study of generative organs
6 Aerobiology Study of airborne organisms
7 Aerodynamics Science of movement in a flow of air or gas
8 Aerolithology Study of meteorites
9 Aerology Study of the atmosphere
10 Aeronautics Study of navigation through air or space
11 Agriology The comparative study of primitive peoples
12 Agrobiology Study of plant nutrition
13 Agrology Study of agricultural soils
14 Agronomics Study of productivity of land
15 Agrostology Study of grasses
16 Alethiology Study of truth
17 Algedonics Science of pleasure and pain
18 Anaesthesiology Study of anesthetics
19 Anatomy Study of internal structure of the body
20 Andragogy Theory and practice of education of adults
21 Anemology Study of wind
22 Angiology Study of blood flow and lymphatic system
23 Aphnology Science of wealth
24 Apiology Study of bees
25 Arachnology Study of spiders
26 Archaeology Study of human material remains
27 Archology Science of the origins of government
28 Arctophily Study of teddy bears
29 Areology Study of Mars
30 Aretaics The science of virtue
31 Astacology The science of crayfish
32 Astheniology Study of diseases of weakening and aging
33 Astrogeology Study of extraterrestrial geology
34 Astrometeorology Study of effect of stars on climate
35 Astronomy Study of celestial bodies
36 Astrophysics Study of behavior of interstellar matter
37 Astroseismology Study of star oscillations
38 Autecology Study of ecology of one species
39 Autology Scientific study of oneself
40 Axiology Science of the ultimate nature of value


1 Bacteriology Study of bacteria
2 Barodynamics Science of the support and mechanics of bridges
3 Barology Study of gravitation
4 Bibliology Study of books
5 Bibliotics Study of documents to determine authenticity
6 Bioecology Study of interaction of life in the environment
7 Biology Study of life
8 Biometrics Study of biological measurement
9 Bionomics Study of organisms interacting in their environments
10 Botany Study of flora (plants)
11 Bromatology Study of food
12 Brontology Scientific study of thunder


1 Cacogenics Study of racial degeneration
2 Caliology Study of bird’s nests
3 Cambistry Science of international exchange
4 Campanology Art of bell ringing
5 Caricology Study of sedges
6 Carpology Study of fruit
7 Cartography Science of making maps and globes
8 Cartophily Hobby of collecting cigarette cards
9 Catacoustics Science of echoes or reflected sounds
10 Catechectics Art of teaching by question and answer
11 Cetology Study of whales and dolphins
12 Chalcography Art of engraving on copper or brass
13 Chemistry Study of properties of substances
14 Chrematistics Study of wealth; political economy
15 Climatology Study of climate
16 Clinology Study of aging or individual decline after maturity
17 Codicology Study of manuscripts
18 Coleopterology Study of beetles and weevils
19 Cometology Study of comets
20 Cosmetology Study of cosmetics
21 Cosmology Study of the universe
22 Criminology Study of crime
23 Cryobiology Study of life under cold climate
24 Cryptology Study of codes
25 Ctetology Study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics
26 Cytology Study of living cells


1 Dactyliology Study of rings
2 Dactylography Study of fingerprints
3 Dactylology Study of sign language
4 Demography Study of Population
5 Demology Study of human behavior
6 Dendrochronology Study of tree rings
7 Dendrology Study of trees
8 Dermatoglyphics Study of skin patterns and fingerprints
9 Dermatology Study of skin
10 Desmology Study of ligaments
11 Diagraphics Art of making diagrams or drawings
12 Diplomatics Science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
13 Dysgenics Study of racial degeneration


1 Ecclesiology Study of church affairs
2 Ecology Study of environment
3 Economics Study of material wealth
4 Edaphology Study of soils
5 Egyptology Study of ancient Egypt
6 Ekistics Study of human settlement
7 Electrochemistry Study of relations between electricity and chemicals
8 Electrostatics Study of static electricity
9 Embryology Study of embryos
10 Endemiology Study of local diseases
11 Endocrinology Study of glands
12 Entomology Study of insects
13 Epistemology Study of grounds of knowledge
14 Eremology Study of deserts
15 Ergology Study of effects of work on humans
16 Ergonomics Study of people at work
17 Eschatology Study of death; final matters
18 Ethnogeny Study of origins of races or ethnic groups
19 Ethnology Study of cultures
20 Ethnomethodology Study of everyday communication
21 Ethology Study of natural or biological character
22 Ethonomics Study of economic and ethical principles of a society
23 Etymology Study of origins of words
24 Euthenics Science concerned with improving living conditions


1 Fluviology Study of watercourses
2 Folkloristics Study of folklore and fables


1 Gastroenterology Study of stomach; intestines
2 Genealogy Study of descent of families
3 Genesiology Study of reproduction and heredity
4 Genethlialogy Art of casting horoscopes
5 Geochronology Study of measuring geological time
6 Geogeny Science of the formation of the earth’s crust
7 Geogony Study of formation of the earth
8 Geography Study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
9 Geology Study of earth’s crust
10 Geomorphogeny Study of the origins of land forms
11 Geoponics Study of agriculture
12 Geotechnics Study of increasing habitability of the earth
13 Geratology Study of decadence and decay
14 Gerocomy Study of old age
15 Gerontology Study of the elderly; aging
16 Glaciology Study of ice ages and glaciation
17 Glossology Study of language; study of the tongue
18 Glyptography Art of engraving on gems
19 Gnomonics Art of measuring time using sundials
20 Gnosiology Study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge
21 Graminology Study of grasses
22 Grammatology Study of systems of writing
23 Graphemics Study of systems of representing speech in writing
24 Gromatics Science of surveying
25 Gynaecology Study of women’s physiology
26 Gyrostatics Study of rotating bodies


1 Haemataulics Study of movement of blood through blood vessels
2 Hagiology Study of saints
3 Halieutics Study of fishing
4 Hamartiology Study of sin
5 Harmonics Study of musical acoustics
6 Hedonics Part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure
7 Heliology Science of the sun
8 Helioseismology Study of sun’s interior by observing its surface oscillations
9 Helminthology Study of worms
10 Hematology Study of blood
11 Heortology Study of religious feasts
12 Hepatology Study of liver
13 Heraldry Study of coats of arms
14 Heresiology Study of heresies
15 Herpetology Study of reptiles and amphibians
16 Hierology Science of sacred matters
17 Hippiatrics Study of diseases of horses
18 Hippology Study of horses
19 Histology Study of the tissues of organisms
20 Histopathology Study of changes in tissue due to disease
21 Historiography Study of writing history
22 Historiology Study of history
23 Homiletics Art of preaching
24 Hoplology Study of weapons
25 Horography Art of constructing sundials or clocks
26 Horology Science of time measurement
27 Horticulture Study of gardening
28 Hydrobiology Study of aquatic organisms
29 Hydrodynamics Study of movement in liquids
30 Hydrogeology Study of ground water
31 Hydrography Study of investigating bodies of water
32 Hydrokinetics Study of motion of fluids
33 Hydrology Study of water resources
34 Hydrometeorology Study of atmospheric moisture
35 Hydropathy Study of treating diseases with water
36 Hyetology Science of rainfall
37 Hygiastics Science of health and hygiene
38 Hygienics Study of sanitation; health
39 Hygiology Study of cleanliness
40 Hygrology Study of humidity
41 Hygrometry Science of humidity
42 Hymnography Study of writing hymns
43 Hypnology Study of sleep; study of hypnosis
44 Hypsography Science of measuring heights


1 Iamatology Study of remedies
2 Iatromathematics Archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
3 Ichnography Art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
4 Ichnology Science of fossilized footprints
5 Ichthyology Study of fish
6 Iconography Study of drawing symbols
7 Iconology Study of icons; symbols
8 Ideogeny Study of origins of ideas
9 Immunogenetics Study of genetic characteristics of immunity
10 Immunology Study of immunity
11 Immunopathology Study of immunity to disease
12 Insectology Study of insects
13 Irenology Study of peace


1 Kalology Study of beauty
2 Karyology Study of cell nuclei
3 Kinematics Study of motion
4 Kinesics Study of gestural communication
5 Kinesiology Study of human movement and posture
6 Kinetics Study of forces producing or changing motion
7 Koniology Study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
8 Ktenology Science of putting people to death
9 Kymatology Study of wave motion


1 Labeorphily Collection and study of beer bottle labels
2 Larithmics Study of population statistics
3 Lepidopterology Study of butterflies and moths
4 Leprology Study of leprosy
5 Lexicology Study of words and their meanings
6 Lexigraphy Art of definition of words
7 Lichenology Study of lichens
8 Limnobiology Study of freshwater ecosystems
9 Limnology Study of bodies of fresh water
10 Linguistics Study of language
11 Liturgiology Study of liturgical forms and church rituals


1 Magirics Art of cookery
2 Magnanerie Art of raising silkworms
3 Magnetics Study of magnetism
4 Malacology Study of mollusks
5 Malariology Study of malaria
6 Mastology Study of mammals
7 Mechanics Study of action of force on bodies
8 Meconology Study of or treatise concerning opium
9 Melittology Study of bees
10 Metallography Study of the structure and constitution of metals
11 Metallurgy Study of alloying and treating metals
12 Metaphysics Study of principles of nature and thought
13 Metapsychology Study of nature of the mind
14 Meteorology Study of weather
15 Metrics Study of versification
16 Metrology Science of weights and measures
17 Microbiology Study of microscopic organisms
18 Muscology Study of mosses
19 Museology Study of museums
20 Mycology Study of funguses
21 Mythology Study of myths; fables; tales


1 Naology Study of church or temple architecture
2 Neonatology Study of newborn babies
3 Neossology Study of nestling birds
4 Nephology Study of clouds
5 Nephrology Study of the kidneys
6 Neurobiology Study of anatomy of the nervous system
7 Neurology Study of nervous system
8 Neuropsychology Study of relation between brain and behaviour
9 Neurypnology Study of hypnotism
10 Neutrosophy Study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities
11 Nomology Science of the laws; especially of the mind
12 Noology Science of the intellect
13 Nosology Study of diseases
14 Nostology Study of senility
15 Numerology Study of numbers
16 Numismatics Study of coins


1 Obstetrics Study of midwifery
2 Oceanography Study of oceans
3 Odontology Study of teeth
4 Oenology Study of wines
5 Oikology Science of housekeeping
6 Olfactology Study of the sense of smell
7 Ombrology Study of rain
8 Oncology Study of tumors
9 Oneirology Study of dreams
10 Onomasiology Study of nomenclature
11 Onomastics Study of proper names
12 Ontology Science of pure being; the nature of things
13 Oology Study of eggs
14 Ophiology Study of snakes
15 Ophthalmology Study of eye diseases
16 Optics Study of light
17 Optometry Science of examining the eyes
18 Orchidology Study of orchids
19 Ornithology Study of birds
20 Orology Study of mountains
21 Orthoepy Study of correct pronunciation
22 Orthography Study of spelling
23 Orthopterology Study of cockroaches
24 Osmics Scientific study of smells
25 Osphresiology Study of the sense of smell
26 Osteology Study of bones
27 Otorhinolaryngology Study of ear, nose, and throat


1 Paedology Study of children
2 Paedotrophy Art of rearing children
3 Paidonosology study of children’s diseases; pediatrics
4 Palaeoanthropology Study of early humans
5 Palaeobiology Study of fossil plants and animals
6 Palaeoclimatology Study of ancient climates
7 Palaeolimnology Study of ancient fish
8 Palaeolimnology Study of ancient lakes
9 Palaeontology Study of fossils
10 Paleo-osteology Study of ancient bones
11 Palynology Study of pollen
12 Parapsychology Study of unexplained mental phenomena
13 Parasitology Study of parasites
14 Paroemiology Study of proverbs
15 Pathology Study of disease
16 Patrology Study of early Christianity
17 Pedagogics Study of teaching
18 Pedology Study of soils
19 Penology Study of crime and punishment
20 Petrology Study of rocks
21 Pharmacognosy Study of drugs of animal and plant origin
22 Pharmacology Study of drugs
23 Pharyngology Study of the throat
24 Philately Study of postage stamps
25 Philosophy Science of knowledge or wisdom
26 Phoniatrics Study and correction of speech defects
27 Phonology Study of speech sounds
28 Photobiology Study of effects of light on organisms
29 Phraseology Study of phrases
30 Phycology Study of algae and seaweeds
31 Physics Study of properties of matter and energy
32 Physiology Study of processes of life
33 Piscatology Study of fishes
34 Pisteology science or Study of faith
35 Planetology Study of planets
36 Pneumatics Study of mechanics of gases
37 Podology Study of the feet
38 Polemology Study of war
39 Potamology Study of rivers
40 Prosody Study of versification
41 Protistology Study of protists
42 Proxemics Study of man’s need for personal space
43 Psalligraphy Art of paper-cutting to make pictures
44 Psephology Study of election results and voting trends
45 Pseudology Art or science of lying
46 Pseudoptics Study of optical illusions
47 Psychobiology Study of biology of the mind
48 Psychogenetics Study of internal or mental states
49 Psychology Study of mind
50 Psychopathology Study of mental illness
51 Psychophysics Study of link between mental and physical processes
52 Pteridology Study of ferns
53 Pyretology Study of fevers
54 Pyroballogy Study of artillery
55 Pyrography Study of woodburning


1 Quinology Study of quinine
1 Raciology Study of racial differences
2 Radiology study of X-rays and their medical applications
3 Rhabdology Art of calculating using numbering rods
4 Rhochrematics Science of inventory management and the movement of products


1 Sarcology Study of fleshy parts of the body
2 Schematonics art of using gesture to express tones
3 Sedimentology Study of sediment
4 Seismology Study of earthquakes
5 Selenodesy Study of the shape and features of the moon
6 Selenology Study of the moon
7 Semantics Study of meaning
8 Semantology science of meanings of words
9 Semasiology Study of meaning; semantics
10 Semiology Study of signs and signals
11 Semiotics Study of signs and symbols
12 Sociobiology Study of biological basis of human behavior
13 Sociology Study of society
14 Somatology science of the properties of matter
15 Spectrology Study of ghosts
16 Speleology Study and exploration of caves
17 Sphagnology Study of peat moss
18 Stasiology Study of political parties
19 Statics Study of bodies and forces in equilibrium
20 Stemmatology Study of relationships between texts
21 Stoichiology Science of elements of animal tissues
22 Stratigraphy Study of geological layers or strata
23 Symptomatology Study of symptoms of illness
24 Synecology Study of ecological communities
25 Synectics Study of processes of invention
26 Syntax Study of sentence structure


1 Teleology Study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose
2 Telmatology Study of swamps
3 Thalassography science of the sea
4 Thanatology Study of death and its customs
5 Thaumatology Study of miracles
6 Theology Study of religion; religious doctrine
7 Theriogenology Study of animals’ reproductive systems
8 Thermodynamics Study of relation of heat to motion
9 Thermokinematics Study of motion of heat
10 Thermology Study of heat
11 Therology Study of wild mammals
12 Thremmatology Science of breeding domestic animals and plants
13 Threpsology Science of nutrition
14 Tonetics Study of pronunciation
15 Topology Study of places and their natural features
16 Toxicology Study of poisons
17 Traumatology Study of wounds and their effects
18 Trichology Study of hair and its disorders
19 Trophology Study of nutrition
20 Tsiganology Study of gypsies
21 Typhlology Study of blindness and the blind


1 Uranography Descriptive astronomy and mapping
2 Uranology Study of the heavens; astronomy
3 Urenology Study of rust molds
4 Urology Study of urine; urinary tract


1 Venereology Study of venereal disease
2 Vermeology Study of worms
3 Vexillology Study of flags
4 Victimology Study of victims
5 Vinology Scientific study of vines and winemaking
6 Virology Study of viruses
7 Vulcanology Study of volcanoes


1 Xylography Art of engraving on wood


1 Zenography Study of the planet Jupiter
2 Zoogeography Study of geographic distribution of animals
3 Zoogeology Study of fossil animal remains
4 Zoology Study of Fauna (animals)
5 Zoonosology Study of animal diseases
6 Zoophytology Study of plant-like animals
7 Zoosemiotics Study of animal communication
Muhammad Ibrahim

Published by
Muhammad Ibrahim

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